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Interpersonal Effectiveness

Do you often leave interactions feeling frustrated or defeated, wishing you had better communicated your needs and desired outcome? Or maybe you’ve gotten feedback in the past that you’re inflexible and need to work on your willingness to compromise. Interpersonal Effectiveness is a Dialectical Behavioral Therapy skill that focuses on helping you navigate relationships in your life in a way that increases the likelihood you’ll leave interactions getting more of what you want out of them.

In this lecture, we’ll explore causes for intense emotions, communicating & listening, navigating emotional vulnerability and overwhelm, and give you tools to move through interactions more confidently.

Living Aligned to Your Values

Understand the importance of living aligned to your values. Also, delve into a discussion of how to discover your values and take steps towards living aligned to such values.

In this webinar you’ll learn what it means to have personal values and how to live aligned with them in an authentic way.

Cultivating Self-Compassion to Build Your Resilience

One of the most powerful tools that can build your resilience and your innate sense of self-worth is the practice of self-compassion. Self-compassion is a skill that everyone can build, it’s an inner muscle that can change how you perceive yourself and how you respond to your inner critic. In this webinar you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the effectiveness of this practice by breaking down some of the common myths and learning and experimenting with different ways to cultivate self-compassion.

How Feelings Inform Your Boundaries

In this webinar we’ll explore the need for boundary setting, different types of boundaries, and how we can utilize our emotions as data for when to set boundaries.

Making Conscious Decisions

you’ll have the opportunity to explore and discover your hidden drivers, reflect on their impact and what you want to change, and learn techniques that are based in neuroscience to change where you have influence.

How Nutrition and Sleep Impact Mood

Maybe you just need a healthy snack and a good night’s sleep! In this Meru Health Graduates webinar, together with Trish Jonker, LCPC, we review the connection…