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Meru Health Graduate Webinar Registration

Want to know what’s next in our monthly graduate webinar series? You’re in the right place!

Upcoming Webinar

Beyond Balance:
Uncovering Near and Far Enemies

What you'll learn:

In this webinar, we will delve into the intriguing concepts of the “near and far enemies” to joy, compassion, kindness and equanimity. These terms describe the subtle and obvious obstacles that often disguise themselves as virtues, yet actually hinder our emotional well-being. The webinar is for anyone who would like to gain a deeper insight into these barriers and navigate them with curious awareness.

We hope you’ll join us in reconnecting with your true self!

Frequently Asked Questions

How often are the webinars hosted?

These are offered every month. Feel free to drop us a note in the get in touch section below if you’d like to see these offered more frequently or if you have a topic you’d like to see addressed in an upcoming series.

What if I can’t attend a session live?

No problem! We record these sessions and will upload them to our website within 2-3 days of the live session.

Can anyone join these sessions, or are they only open to Meru participants?

Right now, these webinars are offered within our Meru community. If you have friends or family members you think would benefit from these sessions, feel free to share the information or ways they might get involved in the Meru Health program.

Contact Us

Have a question or request for an upcoming series, drop us a line!